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SHARING: Files and links from our Kingdom Community gatherings

These are the links to what was shared for encouragement and edification by those who came to our Kingdom Community gatherings. Each person had the opportunity to share what they had recently read, heard or seen which they considered would be beneficial for everyone else.

NOTE: Authors are enclosed in brackets after the title of the item. The copyright belongs to the author/owner in every case. Text in brackets under an item refer to the name of the audio-visual file attached to the link, if different to the topic title I gave to the segment to review. Specific times located in audio-visual files to watch or listen to are in square brackets.

(Some items in this list were not shared at our gathering but were placed here to be read/viewed in our personal time at home)


SHARING from 2013-2022 is archived → → →


LISTED IN REVERSE DATE ORDER – newest files are at the top

“The soul’s defences are prisons” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 23-6-2024

“The Prodigal Returns to Unconditional Love” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 23-6-2024

“The light of the cosmos” (Baxter Kruger) – youtube 23-6-2024

“What happens as we start to take sides with Jesus on who we are and who He is” (Baxter Kruger) – youtube 23-6-2024

“What happens as the Holy Spirit helps us to understand what is – how to relate to it and walk in it” (Baxter Kruger) – youtube 23-6-2024

“How does God help us when we don’t understand and are unable to hear?” (Baxter Kruger) – youtube 16-6-2024

“Jesus speaks his I am statements inside of us: There is no separation” (Baxter Kruger) – youtube 16-6-2024

“The Lie of Separation” (Baxter Kruger) – youtube 16-6-2024
(FILE TITLE: “An excerpt from our TV show Across All Worlds on the lie of separation”)

“Journey to Spiritual Oneness: Exploring Unity and Union” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 16-6-2024

“Empowering Yourself: Making Independent Choices” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 16-6-2024

“There are NO Justified Resentments” (Wayne Dyer) – youtube 16-6-2024

“Don’t Live on the Trickle” (Mike Parson) – youtube 9-6-2024
(‘Restoring First Love 2′ excerpt)

“Finding Freedom: Overcoming Addiction and Depression with God’s Love” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 9-6-2024

“Unleashing Joy: The Power of Laughter and Freedom in Worship” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 9-6-2024

“Covenant vs. Contract Part 1” (John Crowder) – youtube 9-6-2024

“What happens to our soul when we hear the truth?” (Baxter Kruger) – youtube 2-6-2024

“How the Holy Spirit shows us what is real when we are stuck in our blindness” (Baxter Kruger) – youtube 2-6-2024

“Contemplation: Waste of Time?” (John Crowder) – youtube 2-6-2024

“A Glorious Entanglement” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 2-6-2024  [4:20-12:15]

GUIDED MEDITATION: “Be Entwined In Love’s Embrace” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 2-6-2024

MEDITATIVE AMBIENT MUSIC: “Ocean” (Samuel Lane) – youtube 2-6-2024

“The freedom that comes when we hear that Papa has our back” (Baxter Kruger) – youtube 26-5-2024

“Faith…discovering what is and what Jesus has created in His life, death, resurrection & ascension” (Baxter Kruger) – youtube 26-5-2024

“Power of Perception: A Journey Through Meditation and Activation” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 26-5-2024

“Unlocking the Power of Engagement: Training Your Senses and Imagination” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 19-5-2024

“Spiritual Gifts & Deposit by Intention” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 19-5-2024
(FILE TITLE: ‘Mystic Mentoring UK, 15th April’)

“Relationships – Part 1” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 19-5-2024

“Relationships – Part 2” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 19-5-2024

Meditative ambient music: “Ocean” (Samuel Lane) – youtube 19-5-2024

Meditative ambient music: “Be Still” (Samuel Lane) – youtube 19-5-2024

“Contemplation is not Commodified” (John  Crowder) – youtube 19-5-2024
(‘Contemplation’ part 8 of 10)

“What is the good news of the gospel?” (Baxter Kruger) – youtube 12-5-2024

“Jesus knows the Father and shares His knowledge, His life and His peace with us” (Baxter Kruger) – youtube 12-5-2024

“Restoring First Love” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 12-5-2024 [New Series]

“The Soul’s Defence Mechanisms Are Prisons” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 12-5-2024

“Get out of the boat…and SINK!” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 12-5-2024

GUIDED MEDITATION: “The Ocean of Unconditional Love” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 12-5-2024

“Important: Navigate your own journey with Father” (Mike Parsons) – read 12-5-2024

“Going from non-being to union with the Father, Son and Spirit” (Baxter Kruger) – youtube 28-4-2024

“Another viewpoint on why Jesus came” (Baxter Kruger) – youtube 28-4-2024

“The dream for us to be included in their life” (Baxter Kruger) – youtube 28-4-2024

“When our heart is astonished we start seeing things differently” (Baxter Kruger) – youtube 28-4-2024

“The new commandment, let me love you, so you can love one another” (Perichoresis) – youtube 28-4-2024

“Finding Truth Within: Embracing Your Inner Voice” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 28-4-2024

“Healing Roots: Embracing God’s Forgiveness” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 28-4-2024

“Understanding the Power of Emotions in Spiritual Growth” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 21-4-2024

“Embracing True Identity: A Journey Back to God” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 21-4-2024

“Spiritual Reflections: Navigating My Journey with God” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 21-4-2024

“Embracing Compassion: Acting in Alignment with God’s Heart” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 14-4-2024

“Transforming Through Renewal: Embracing Change and Intimacy with God” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 14-4-2024

“What happens when the real gospel is preached” (Baxter Kruger) – youtube 14-4-2024

“The Father, Son and Spirit love 100%, they don’t know how to do indifferent” (Baxter Kruger) – youtube 14-4-2024

“So What is Contemplation?” [Contemplation: Part 3 of 10] (John Crowder) – youtube 14-4-2024

“Finding Peace in God’s Presence: Overcoming Mental Restlessness” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 7-4-2024

“Exploring Spiritual Listening: Beyond Traditional Meditation” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 7-4-2024

“Discovering Destiny: Walking in God’s Purpose Daily” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 7-4-2024

“Contemplation [Part 2 of 10]” (John Crowder) – youtube
(Hypothetical Exercise: ‘Unknowing God’)

“Perception Through Sound: The Power of Listening” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 31-3-2024

“Journey to Spiritual Perception: Understanding God’s Presence” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 31-3-2024

“Contemplation [Part 1 of 10]” (John Crowder) – youtube 31-3-2024 [2:05-28:00]
(Hypothetical Exercise: ‘God Does not Exist’)

“Kingdom Dynamics – Volume 1: Principles for Sonship” (Ron M. Horner) – download  31-3-2024

“Kingdom Dynamics – Volume 2: Growing in Sonship” (Ron M. Horner) – download  31-3-2024

“We are All Ambassadors of Inclusion in Christ” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 24-3-2024

“Finding Peace in God’s Presence: Overcoming Mental Restlessness” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 24-3-2024

“Understanding Healing: Did Jesus Heal Everyone?” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 24-3-2024

“Breathing in the Love of God” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 24-3-2024

Meditation: “Remove restrictions, open up possibility” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 24-3-2024

“Faith is a discovery of what already exists” (Baxter Kruger) – youtube 17-3-2024

“Seeing the Father Son and Spirit in us and in every person, place and moment around us” (Baxter Kruger) – youtube 17-3-2024

“Finding Peace in God’s Presence: Overcoming Mental Restlessness” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 17-3-2024

“Understanding God’s Perspective on Feeling Others’ Pain” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 10-3-2024

“Redefining Obedience: A New Perspective on Relationship with God” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 10-3-2024

“What really is repentance?” (Baxter Kruger) – youtube 3-3-2024
(File Title: “A changing of the way we think and taking sides with Jesus” )

“God Hasn’t Changed” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 3-3-2024

“Prioritising My Relationship with God: Cultivating Fruitfulness and Multiplication” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 3-3-2024

“Embarking on a Spiritual Transformation: My Journey of Faith” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 3-3-2024

MEDITATION: “Seated in Heavenly Places” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 3-3-2024

“What happens when we no longer run away, but stay in the love of the Father, Son and Spirit” (Baxter Kruger) – youtube 25-2-2024

“Bringing Pleasure to God: Embracing Joy, Peace, and Authenticity” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 25-2-2024

“The Living Word – Let God search your heart” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 25-2-2024

“Encounters with God reveal your purpose in life” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 25-2-2024

“Challenge Our Limiting Mindsets and Beliefs” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 18-2-2024

“The Eternal Record of Our Identity | Who we are in God’s eyes” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 18-2-2024

“Only Doing What the Father Does” (Baxter Kruger) – youtube 18-2-2024

“Could this be the answer to what is going on right now?” (Baxter Kruger) – youtube 4-2-2024

“Could we be In the middle of something too beautiful for words?” (Baxter Kruger) – youtube 4-2-2024

MEDITATION: “Cast Your Cares on Unconditional Love” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 4-2-2024

“Unconditional Love” Mike Parsons) – FaceBook  4-2-2024 [FREE teaching series]
(Requires free registration)

“What evangelism should be doing” (Baxter Kruger) – youtube 28-1-2024
(FILE TITLE: “Encouraging, watching and supporting the expression of participation in others”)

“Jesus encourages us to choose sides with Him as He teaches us about who the Father and Spirit are” (Baxter Kruger) – youtube 28-1-2024

“The Mediation of Jesus Christ” (Baxter Kruger) – youtube 28-1-2024 [his course teaser]

“Asking the questions of who am I and how am I included?” (Baxter Kruger) – youtube 28-1-2024

“The Bible is NOT a Manual for Life” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 28-1-2024 [Short version]

“122: The Old Work of God Persecutes the New Work” (Frank Viola) – audio 28-1-2024

“302. Practice, practice, practice…” (Mike Parsons) – read 28-1-2024

“Reflecting on My Journey with God: Would I Do Things Differently?” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 21-1-2024

“Discovering Your True Destiny: Embracing Opportunities to Be Yourself” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 21-1-2024

“Understanding God’s Mandates: Discovering His Heart and Following His Blueprint” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 21-1-2024

“Practice, practice, practice – for a supernatural lifestyle” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 21-1-2024

“Kingdom of God” (Frank Viola) – audio 21-1-2024 [Podcast Library: 2018-today]
(Includes topics: The Gospel of the Kingdom; A clash between kingdoms; The Kingdom of God v the church; What is the gospel of the Kingdom)

“Christ is All” (Frank Viola) – audio 21-1-2024 [Podcast Library: 2009-today]
(Includes topics: The Gospel of the Kingdom Dumbfounds and Stuns; 7 Myths About the Kingdom of God; Living in the Conscious Presence of God; Living in the Presence of the Future; Rediscovering Christ as Life and Reality)

“This is the Gospel” (Baxter Kruger) – youtube 14-1-2024
(FILE NAME: “Unknown”)

“The gift of God to the human race is Jesus himself and all He is with the Father in the Holy Spirit” (Baxter Kruger) – youtube 14-1-2024

“Encountering God – Face to Face” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 14-1-2024

“We’re projecting our hurt onto God which colours what we think he’s like” (Baxter Kruger) – youtube 7-1-2024
(FILE NAME: “Unknown”)

“Experiencing Cognitive Dissonance” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 7-1-2024

“Transforming Your Mind: Breaking Free from the World’s Mold” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 7-1-2024

“297. Most people don’t want to know God – and I wouldn’t either!” (Mike Parsons) – read 7-1-2024

“Embracing Transformation: Unveiling the Depths of Personal Growth” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 31-12-2023

“Insights into Adam’s Relationship with God | Exploring Eden” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 31-12-2023

“293. Expanding God’s Government of Peace” (Mike Parsons) – read 24-12-2023

“294. To celebrate or not to celebrate? | The Christmas Question” (Mike Parsons) – read 24-12-2023

“The femininity of Holy Spirit” (Baxter Kruger) – youtube 24-12-2023
(FILE NAME: “Unknown”)

“More on the femininity of Holy Spirit” (Baxter Kruger) – youtube 24-12-2023
(FILE NAME: “Unknown”)

“We are able to experience Father’s love in the same way Jesus of Nazareth did” (Baxter Kruger) – youtube 24-12-2023
(FILE NAME: “Unknown”)

“We should see other people differently than we do” (Baxter Kruger) – youtube 24-12-2023
(FILE NAME: “Unknown”)

“Enjoying Everyday Life” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 24-12-2023

“Shining Light in a World of Darkness” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 24-12-2023

“Understanding Intention and Surrender in Prayer” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 24-12-2023

“290. Discovering the Reality of Salvation” (Mike Parsons) – read 17-12-2023

“291. Can Yoga be ‘Christian’?” (Mike Parsons) – read 17-12-2023

“292. Is God Shocking People into Embracing Love?” (Mike Parsons) – read 17-12-2023

“Encountering God Face to Face: A Journey of Following His Heart” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 17-12-2023

“Setting Relationship Boundaries According to God’s Will” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 17-12-2023

“Unifying Streams of Thought on Living as Sons of God” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 17-12-2023

“The truth that sets us free” (Baxter Kruger) – youtube 10-12-2023

“The change that comes when we see Jesus in other people” (Baxter Kruger) – youtube 10-12-2023

“Embracing Our True Identity: Leaving a Positive Light Deposit” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 10-12-2023

“Immortality is a State of Mind” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 10-12-2023

“Our False God” (Baxter Kruger) – youtube 3-12-2023
(FILE NAME: “Unknown”)

“Wisdom for Protecting Children” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 3-12-2023

MEDITATION: “Embrace Unconditional Love” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 3-12-2023

MOTIVATIONAL TALK: “The Biggest Lie of Life: Be Independent” (Sadia Khan) – youtube 3-12-2023

“The Christian denominations family tree” – youtube 3-12-2023

“Emotional Healing Made Simple” (Praying Medic) – download  3-12-2023

“We don’t need another Bible school, we need an indestructible life” (Jonathan Welton) – youtube 26-11-2023
                                          ≈ NOTICE: Evangelical Content

“Discovering your true identity” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 26-11-2023

“Trauma Response: How Memories May Control Our Emotions” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 26-11-2023

“Wisdom for Protecting Children: Safeguarding Forgiveness and Unconditional Love” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 26-11-2023

<IMPORTANT> “Biggest LIE of Life” (Sadia Khan) – read 12-11-2023

<IMPORTANT> “Yoga” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 12-11-2023

Perichoresis Podcasts – FaceBook 12-11-2023

“Restoring The Heart of the Trinity” (Baxter Kruger) – youtube 29-10-2023

“Trinitarian Vision Part 2: Healing Us and Our World” (Baxter Kruger) – youtube 29-10-2023

“Jesus ensured Restored Relationship” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 29-10-2023

ACTIVATION: “Living Waters of Unconditional Love” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 29-10-2023

“Loving Unconditionally Part 1” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 22-10-2023

“Loving Unconditionally Part 2” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 22-10-2023

“The benefits of living out of our identity as a son” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 22-10-2023
(VIDEO TITLE: “Responsibility comes from Relationship”)

ACTIVATION: “Engaging God the Source” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 22-10-2023

“Don’t compare yourself” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 15-10-2023

“Sin Mindset” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 15-10-2023 [6:20-10:55]
(VIDEO TITLE: “Mystic Mentoring Toronto | 24th May 2021 Repost”)

“Addiction Mindsets” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 15-10-2023 [1:20-6:12]
(VIDEO TITLE: “Mystic Mentoring Toronto | 24th May 2021 Repost”)

UNGUIDED MEDITATION: “Engaging in Peace” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 15-10-2023

ACTIVATION: “Flowing in Unconditional Love” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 8-10-2023

EXTENDED ACTIVATION: “Flowing in Unconditional Love” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 8-10-2023

“Infused Knowledge” (Justin Abraham) – youtube 1-10-2023 [11:50-44:45]

“Cultural Aspects Part 1” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 1-10-2023

“Externals and Culture are Irrelevant in the Kingdom” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 1-10-2023
(VIDEO TITLE: “Cultural Aspects Part 2”)

“Making decisions from out of the state of rest” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 24-9-2023 [1:14-10:54]
(VIDEO TITLE: “Mystic Mentoring Toronto | 10th May 2021 Repost”)

“Learning to Spiritually Engage” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 24-9-2023
(VIDEO TITLE: “Learning to Ascend”)

“FOOD: Fasting and the Root of Eating Issues” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 24-9-2023
(VIDEO TITLE: “Eating Issues”)

“Living in Communion Part 1” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 17-9-2023 

“Living in Communion Part 2” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 17-9-2023 

“Oneness: Keep the main thing the main thing” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 17-9-2023 [16:48-29:08]
(VIDEO TITLE: “Mystic Mentoring U.S. Eastern | 21st August 2023”)

ACTIVATION: “Engaging with God” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 17-9-2023 

“The Importance of Listening to God’s Words Over the World’s Words” (Bill Johnson) – youtube 17-9-2023 [3:05-40:35]
                                          ≈ NOTICE: Evangelical Content

“The Gospel of Inclusion” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 10-9-2023 
(VIDEO TITLE: “The Religious in-club”)

“Rejoicing in thankfulness” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 10-9-2023 

“Joy Economy” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 10-9-2023 

“Agreeing with God’s Mind” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 10-9-2023 

UNGUIDED MEDITATION: “Engaging God’s Love” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 10-9-2023 

“Learn to understand the Grace that God has given you” (Lovy Ellis) – youtube 10-9-2023
(IGNORE his title) 

“How to See From Heaven’s Perspective and Walk in Authority” (Bill Johnson) – youtube 10-9-2023 

“Wisdom Has No Adversary” (Bill Johnson) – youtube 10-9-2023 

“The Shack Revisited” Teaching Series (Baxter Kruger) – youtube 3-9-2023 [List]

“Surrender Part 1” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 3-9-2023

“Surrender Part 2” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 3-9-2023

“Take it back to the Father” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 3-9-2023

ACTIVATION: “Energised by Unconditional Love” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 3-9-2023

“Unity, Union and Oneness” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 20-8-2023 [15:55-19:18]
(FILE TITLE: “Mystic Mentoring U.K. | 7th August 2023”)

“What the Gospel is About?” (Baxter Kruger) – youtube 20-8-2023

“How to See From Heaven’s Perspective and Walk in Authority” (Bill Johnson) – youtube 20-8-2023

“Don’t need to earn his favour” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 20-8-2023

ACTIVATION: “Let love meet your needs” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 20-8-2023

“Celebrate Your Life” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 13-8-2023

UNGUIDED MEDITATION: “Engaging the Waterfall” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 13-8-2023

“Unconditional Love” –  FaceBook 6-8-2023 [FREE registration required]
(Mike parsons’ complete free teaching series for 2022/3)

“Obedience is an Old Mindset” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 6-8-2023

“Living the Kingdom Life” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 6-8-2023
(FILE TITLE: “Seek First the Kingdom”)

“Renewing the Mind” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 6-8-2023

ACTIVATION:“Let God love you in Unconditional Love” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 6-8-2023

“How important is it for you to believe?” (Kris Vallotton) – youtube 6-8-2023

“No Separation Part 1” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 30-7-2023

ACTIVATION: “Eternal Life in Unconditional Love” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 30-7-2023

“Don’t Need to Strive” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 23-7-2023

ACTIVATION: “Living in Rest” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 23-7-2023

“Dealing with Differences Part 1” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 16-7-2023

“Dealing with Differences Part 2” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 16-7-2023

“Negative Soul Ties With Others” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 9-7-2023

ACTIVATION: “Embracing Deconstruction” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 9-7-2023

“287. Unconditional Love, Grace, and the Truth About Salvation” (Mike Parsons) – read 2-7-2023

“The will of God” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 2-7-2023

ACTIVATION: “Revealing the Truth in Unconditional Love” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 2-7-2023

“You’re already free. All you’re doing now is discovering the extent of that freedom!” (Graham Cooke) – youtube 25-6-2023

“Helping People Engage God” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 18-6-2023 [0:28-12:06]
(FILE NAME: “Mystic Mentoring U.S. Pacific | 15th May 2023”)

“Spiritual Gifts v Relationship” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 18-6-2023
(FILE NAME: “Relationship vs Receiving Gifts”)

ACTIVATION: “God’s compassion in Unconditional Love” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 18-6-2023

ACTIVATION: “Breathe in God’s Love” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 18-6-2023

“The Genius of The Shack” (Baxter Kruger) – read 11-6-2023

“The Unconditional Freeness Of The Gospel – Part One” (Baxter Kruger) – read 11-6-2023

“The Unconditional Freeness Of The Gospel – Part Two” (Baxter Kruger) – read 11-6-2023

“Mind of Christ” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 11-6-2023

“We need encounters of true knowledge” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 4-6-2023

“Why I don’t read the Bible for interpretation” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 4-6-2023

ACTIVATION: “Unguided meditation music by Freedom ARC” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 4-6-2023

“Live FREE from striving for God’s approval” (Graham Cooke) – youtube 28-5-2023

“Love will take us into the future” (Justin Abraham) – youtube 28-5-2023
(FILE NAME: “God’s Love”)

“Insurgence” (Frank Viola) – download 28-5-2023 [FREE sample]

“The Gospel of the Kingdom Series” (Frank Viola) – download 28-5-2023 [LIST]

“The Gospel of the Kingdom” (Frank Viola) – audio 28-5-2023

“What is the Gospel of the Kingdom?” (Frank Viola) – audio 28-5-2023

“The Explosive Gospel of God’s Kingdom” (Frank Viola) – audio 28-5-2023

“Pagan Christianity” (Frank Viola) – audio 28-5-2023

“Re-imaging Church” (Frank Viola) – audio 28-5-2023

“Rethinking Discipleship” (Frank Viola) – audio 28-5-2023

“Rethinking Church” (Frank Viola) – audio 28-5-2023

“Going to a church with an old mindset” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 28-5-2023

“Made in His image” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 21-5-2023

“Redemptive Gifts – Identity” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 21-5-2023

“Redemptive Gifts – Soul issues” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 21-5-2023

“Ego and Soul” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 21-5-2023

“That’s My Plan for My Sons” (Richard) – download 14-5-2023

“The reality of who we are” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 14-5-2023

“Testing our thoughts” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 14-5-2023 [2:40-11:35]
(FILE NAME: “Mystic Mentoring Toronto | 4th March 2019 Repost”)

“EXAMPLE: Our thoughts aren’t his thoughts” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 14-5-2023 [0:00-1:12]
(FILE NAME: “Mystic Mentoring Toronto | 4th March 2019 Repost”)

“Performance Orientation” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 14-5-2023 [45:10-48:52]
(FILE NAME: “Mystic Mentoring Toronto | 4th March 2019 Repost”)

“Love is Key” (Brian Simmons) – read 7-5-2023

ACTIVATION: “I Am Unconditional Love” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 7-5-2023

“Thinking about the Future Part 1” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 30-4-2023

“Thinking about the Future Part 2” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 30-4-2023

“Eternity in the Heart” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 30-4-2023

ACTIVATION: “Unconditional Love Meditation – unguided” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 30-4-2023

ACTIVATION: “An Awakening to Love” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 23-4-2023

“Pointers on Seeking a Spouse in the Kingdom” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 16-4-2023
(FILE TITLE: “God knows His best for us”) 

ACTIVATION: “The Waterfall of Unconditional Love” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 16-4-2023

“Atheist Neurologist Believed There Was Nothing After Death, Sees Vivid Scenes and Message During Cardiac Arrest” –   16-4-2023

“Heaven is NOT Our Home” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 9-4-2023
(FILE TITLE: “Heavenly Home”) 

“Ways of engaging God” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 9-4-2023
(FILE TITLE: “What is ‘Engaging’?”) 

ACTIVATION: “Live Loved” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 9-4-2023

“What is Grace?” (Graham Cooke) – youtube 9-4-2023

“Grace is God’s Empowering Presence” (Graham Cooke) – read 9-4-2023

“Expanding on Living from the Inside Out” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 2-4-2023
(FILE TITLE: “Mystic Mentoring U.S. Eastern | 28th February 2019 Repost”) 

ACTIVATION: “The Light of Love” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 2-4-2023

“The Normal Christian Life” (Watchman Nee) – download 2-4-2023

“Waiting and Revelation” (Kevin Zaddai) – youtube 26-3-2023

“Belief systems programmed by the religious constitution” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 25-3-2023

“The Kingdom Global Shift” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 25-3-2023
(FILE TITLE: “Global Shift”) 

“The Kingdom’s Elimination of Materialism” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 25-3-2023
(FILE TITLE: “Materialism – Discovering Identity”)

“Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 25-3-2023

“Uniquely Engaging with God” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 26-3-2023

“Love Languages through the eyes of Unconditional Love” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 26-3-2023

“Belief systems programmed by the religious constitution” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 26-3-2023

“Living Loved Through forgiveness” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 26-3-2023


“Changing Our Thinking” FaceBook

“Kingdom Application” FaceBook

“A Different Take” FaceBook

“Analyses of Christian Practices” FaceBook

“Q&A” FaceBook

“What’s Going On” FaceBook

“Homeschooling” FaceBook


ACTIVATION: “Let God love you in Unconditional Love” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 26-3-2023

“Overcoming Self-hatred: A Hidden Hate that Lurks in Your Heart” (Martha Kilpatrick) – download 26-3-2023

“Intermediaries and Jewishness are not required” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 19-3-2023
(FILE TITLE: “Living Letters Part 1”) 

“The importance of intimacy and true identity” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 19-3-2023 [50:18-55:33]
(FILE TITLE: “Mystic Mentoring U.S. Eastern | 6th February 2023”) 

“No quick fixes. Change comes through mind changes over time” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 19-3-2023
(FILE TITLE: “Deliverance”) 

“Streams merging together for The Restoration of All Things” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 19-3-2023
(FILE TITLE: “Restoration of All Things Streams”) 

“God is only ‘angry’ with what is stopping us from entering into everything he has for us” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 5-3-2023
(FILE TITLE: “God is still angry but why?”) 

“Loving Unconditionally Part 1” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 5-3-2023

“Loving Unconditionally Part 2” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 5-3-2023

“Kingdom of God Realm” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 5-3-2023

“Religious Superstition” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 26-2-2023

“We need to change” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 26-2-2023

“Trials” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 26-2-2023

“God’s desire is that everyone will receive mercy” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 26-2-2023

“God’s #1 Priority” (Graham Cooke) – youtube 19-2-2023 

“A discussion on self, identity and deity” (John Crowder) – youtube 19-2-2023 [3:35-6:35]
(FILE TITLE: “John Crowder interviews himself”) 

“Mandates and Blueprints” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 19-2-2023 [1:25-15:28]
(FILE TITLE: “Mystic Mentoring U.S. Pacific | 23rd January 2023”) 

“My Biggest Challenge to Unconditional Love” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 19-2-2023 

“Testimony is the Key” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 19-2-2023 

“As a man thinks in his heart” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 19-2-2023 

“Always Operate with Grace” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 12-2-2023
(FILE TITLE: “Grace based Ministry”)

“The Point of Jesus’ parables” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 12-2-2023

“Connecting with Creation part 1” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 12-2-2023

“Connecting with Creation part 2” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 12-2-2023

ACTIVATION: “Be Still in Unconditional Love” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 12-2-2023

ACTIVATION: “Frequency of Love” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 12-2-2023

“Dealing with your ‘stuff’” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 22-1-2023

“Heart’s desires” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 22-1-2023

“State of Rest” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 22-1-2023 

“Technology and Our Future” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 22-1-2023
(FILE TITLE: “Technology”)

ACTIVATION: “River of Life” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 22-1-2023 

“John Crowder with Baxter Kruger” – youtube 15-1-2023 [3:45-47:10]

“Live Unoffendable” (Patricia King) – youtube 15-1-2023 [8:00-16:25]

“Living Unoffendable” (Patricia King) – download 15-1-2023

“How to Minister to the Human Spirit” (Arthur Burk) – read 15-1-2023 [FREE PDF]

BLOG: “How to Minister to the Human Spirit” (Arthur Burk) – read 15-1-2023

“How to Minister to the Human Spirit” (Arthur Burk) – audio 15-1-2023

TRANSCRIPT: “How to Minister to the Human Spirit” (Arthur Burk) – read 15-1-2023 [PDF]

“Evangelism to the Spirit” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 15-1-2023 [21:25-30:18]
(FILE TITLE: “Mystic Mentoring Toronto | 5th December 2022”)

ACTIVATION: “Love’s Light” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 15-1-2023

“Christmas” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 1-1-2023

ACTIVATION: “Resting in Unconditional Love” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 1-1-2023

“What Sinner’s Prayer?” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 25-12-2022
(FILE TITLE: “Sinner’s prayer”)

“Safeguarding boundaries when operating in unconditional love” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 25-12-2022
(FILE TITLE: “Mystic Mentoring U.K. | 28th November 2022”)

MEDITATION: “Love, Joy, Peace” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 25-12-2022

ACTIVATION: “Journey with Jesus” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 25-12-2022

ACTIVATION: “Nurtured by Unconditional Love” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 25-12-2022

“The Balance of Masculine and Feminine” (Global Watch) – youtube 18-12-2022 [4:30-49:15]

“Ekklesia Rising” (Dean Briggs) – download 18-12-2022

“Understanding: ‘You foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you?’” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 18-12-2022
(FILE TITLE: “Can we fall back into the grave?”)

“The Bible can be the starting point” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 18-12-2022

“Seeing the light in everyone” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 18-12-2022
(FILE TITLE: “Seeing the light in all”)

“Enjoying Life in Each Moment” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 18-12-2022
(FILE TITLE: “Living in the moment”)

“God is not put in a box” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 18-12-2022

“An Insight Into Creation” (Mike Parsons) – youtube 18-12-2022
(FILE TITLE: “Creation Works”)