King’s Counsel Canberra

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canberra forerunners

King’s Counsel Canberra (KCC) is the portal for myself (Laurence Smart) to post messages I receive from my time seeking the counsel of King Jesus . The messages I am given are  for Australia and primarily for the King’s people (Father’s sons) who work with him in the nation.
KCC was formerly known as Canberra Company of Prophets (CCOP), which was a company of prophetic people that the Lord established out of a ‘School For Prophets’ that Robert Misst (NZ) ran in Canberra in 2012-2013. CCOP’s prophetic messages from 2014 to 2023 are located HERE.

IMPORTANT: I am an independent voice, not a member of any prophetic alliance. Holy Spirit is my leader and King Jesus is my head and oversight.

SUBMISSIONS: King’s Counsel Canberra reaches out to a network of prophetic people who can submit prophetic messages to Laurence for evaluation and for publishing.



King’s Counsel Canberra



by appointment

(please email a request for personal prophetic counsel)

– Click links to read
– Right-click links to download

KCC Prophetic Messages

MESSAGE – Have a Positive Outlook: 16-6-2024 – download 

MESSAGE – Seek Reality: 7-5-2024 – download 

MESSAGE – The King’s Will: 25-4-2024 – download 

MESSAGE – Update on the Shaking Process: 20-3-2024 – download 

MESSAGE – Time to Get Real: 8-3-2024 – download 

MESSAGE – Keep the Main Thing the Main Thing: 1-2-2024 – download 

MESSAGE – The King’s Message for 2024: 8-1-2024 – download 

MESSAGE – Time to Shape Up: 28-11-2023 – download