Frugal Living

canberra forerunners

On the 24th September 2019 we received the prophetic message ‘Time for Frugal Living’ (LINK). Then on the 16th March 2020 our King reminded us and said “If you haven’t become more frugal, try eating less, using less resources, buying less, learning to be satisfied with what you have. Now, this is only a foretaste of the things to come, and in my love for you, I’m preparing you”.

With these instructions to be frugal in the way we live I began this webpage to provide some ideas for us to become more thrifty. This web resource will grow with time so keep an eye on it.

Click the links below to find the information supplied under topics

Veggie Garden
House & Home

“Everyday Cheapskate” – FaceBook 20-3-2022


“7 Reasons You Would Be Smart to Add Borax to Every Wash Load” – 20-3-2022

 “Cleaning Tips and Tricks That Promise to Cut Costs and Save Time” – 31-3-2024

 “Family of 6 Lives on One Income—Here’s How They Do It” – 3-6-2024


Under Construction