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As sons of the Most High God, we were placed on Earth as caretakers by the Creator. In this 21st Century we have been recalled to our original task to impact the 7 mountains or pillars of society for the Kingdom of Heaven. This includes being able to converse with others on any topic so we can pass on the Kingdom’s perspective. Politics is one such area the church system has ignored for many decades fearing being embarrassed because they were not able to draw from religion any relevant, satisfactory wisdom and understanding. No longer. Now that the King is reinstating the importance of his Kingdom here and now, he is schooling us in whatever we need to know, provided we can hear him and have an intimate relationship with him so we can discuss topics with him.

We are not called to be political activists who demonstrate in the streets and wreak havoc in the cities. Covertly and overtly we are to impact society as we manifest the Kingdom in its reality, just as Jesus of Nazareth did. The Kingdom brings the changes, not us. And for us, the politics that we must bring the Kingdom’s influence on includes political correctness (PC).


– Click links to read
– Right-click links to download

ITEMS LISTED IN REVERSE DATE ORDER – newest files are at the top





Pauline Hanson’s One Nation Party Cartoon – Greta Thunberg in the political classroom

“POLITICS UPDATE: September 2020” – download 6-9-2020

“POLITICS Update: March 2020” – download 1-3-2020

“Now is the Time to Stand with President Trump” (Mario Murillo) – read 11-8-2019

“Meet the people attending Australia’s first ever conservative politics mega conference” – read 11-8-2019

“What GetUp! are really about” (Peta Credlin) – youtube 12-2-2019

“Silent Suffering and the Abortion Debate” (Silvana Nile) – facebook 11-8-2016

BOOK: “Hate Crime Hoax: How the Left is Selling a Fake Race War” (Wilfred Reilly) – book 14-7-2019

BOOK: ‘Stealing from a Child: The Injustice of Marriage Equality’ (Dr David van Gend) – book 7-7-2019

“MassResistance confronts Democrat Congressmen face-to-face on tyrannical LGBT `Equality Act`” – read 26-5-2019

“Woke Capitalism Is Our Enemy” (Rod Dreher) – read 19-5-2019

“Mark Latham’s Maiden Speech to Parliament” (Mark Latham) – read 12-5-2019

“Mark Latham: Back in the bullring, uncensored” (Mark Latham) – read 12-5-2019

“Germany’s Energiewende program exposed as a catastrophic failure”  – read 12-5-2019
[Energiewende = ‘Great Renewable Energy Revolution’]

“20 Policies to Fix Australia” (IPA) – download 5-5-2019 [starts on page 2]

“Understanding ‘Democratic Socialism’” (Epoch Times) – read 3-2-2018

“The Mindset of a Left-wing Activist” – youtube 18-11-2018
(“Tucker vs Antifa supporter Are you really a professor”)

“Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro: Frontline of Free Speech” – video 10-6-2018

“Postmodernism and Cultural Marxism” (Jordan Peterson) – video 10-6-2018

“The Case Against Education” (Bryan Caplan) – book 10-6-2018
[“The Case against Education: Why the Education System Is a Waste of Time and Money”]

“Capitalism: A Love Story” (Michael Moore) – read 13-5-2018

“Capitalism: A Love Story” (Michael Moore) – video 13-5-2018 (a documentary)






“Why Western Civilization is Our Future” (IPA) — book
(Borrow it from Laurence)


SkyNews podcastsaudio
SkyNews videosyoutube 


John Anderson’s websiteread


IPA Review magazinebook
(CLICK the icon or borrow it from Laurence)


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