Apostolic Kingdom Community

From the start of 2014 I will be following the King’s directive and start planning the creation of a Kingdom (AKA ‘Christian’) community based on the apostolic model. This community will be located in Canberra city at this early stage.

The community will function apostolically and will be modelled on the first church as described in the book of Acts and the epistles. This will not be a traditional Christian community based on the current structured, hierarchical church system – it will be free of religion.

By community, I don’t mean a commune or kibbutz, however that may eventuate in the future as an arm of what I’m called to do. By community I mean a group of saints (AKA ‘Christians’) who have Kingdom relationship with each other and who connect and meet as a community just like the first church did.

I look forward to you joining me.


2 Replies to “Apostolic Kingdom Community”

  1. Thats sounds good Laurence and I am interested in knowing more about what the Lord is calling us into at this time. I believe we have stepped into a new season. As we are now in the new season it seems obvious that we are going to do things differently. I for one have just had multiple prophecies fulfilled simultaneously , that have been given to me over the last six and a half years.
    I have noticed I am hearing the Lord speak to me more than I have ever experienced before, which is exciting! Blessings Noni

  2. I am so pleased to see something like this finally starting up. It has been on my heart for a long time to see the ways of ‘Christianity’ change to something akin to the pattern of those that gathered together after Jesus’ resurrection.
    For too long we have sat passively in our seats each week, while someone up the front gives us their interpretation of the Scriptures. We are one body, with each one of us being anointed and each of us having something to contribute to the well being of other believers. For too long the saints have been gagged and unable to share the good things that the Lord has been speaking to them about. Things that would be a blessing to someone else, and which would perhaps bring a deliverance to many who are still locked and held bound by the weight of their burdens. And yes, we are in a new season so unless we move with the wind of the Spirit we may be left behind.
    Looking forward to seeing how it all unfolds Laurence.

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